Emilia Șercan is an investigative journalist and lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Bucharest. She started working in the local press in 1996, and since 2000 she has been active in the central press. She worked for „Curierul Național” and at the „Evenimentul zilei” and in the press group ”Realitatea - Cațavencu” she headed an investigation department. She is currently part of the independent PressOne newsroom. In 2016, she received the „Ion Rațiu” award for Journalism and the Active Watch „Erou pe frontul interesului public” award for the series of investigations on the plagiarized doctoral thesis of the Deputy Prime Minister Gabriel Oprea and his coordination of six other plagiarized doctoral thesis. She developed a doctoral thesis on the subject of censorship, published in the Polirom publishing house entitled „Cultul secretului. Mecanismele cenzurii în presa comunistă”. For many years she has been the president of the „Superscrieri” jury and in 2019 she published the book „Fabrica de doctorate sau Cum se surpă fundamentele unei nații”.